Sunday, May 6, 2012



and articles to form our own judgements about regard to the masters quoted above, this book's
such things.  description of how chess isactually played to‑
It's not difficult to see that individual state­ day simply doesn't apply to the times in which
ments of a philosophy, while they could be in­ they lived. And of late, while the traditional
dicative of changing attitudes in general, are process of assimilation is very much alive, it is
not necessarily so. Rather, ideas (and freedom also being bypassed and accelerated. This is
from the grip of ideas) tend to work their way due both to the increasingly pragmatic attitude
into the game slowly, traditionally by a player's towards the game and to the fact that players of
observation or even imitation of others' new all ratings have a greatly enhanced ability to ex‑
moves and strategies in the same or similar situ­ periment due to the availability of powerful
ations. Occasionally there is a wild and unfore­ chess engines.
seen breakthrough. But in either case, the new   Enough. There is more that I could say
strategies eventually become second nature, so about these esoteric topics, but in the final
that nearly all strong players and not just a few analysis, one can only assess such matters on
innovators will partake of this kind of play. the basis of practice. It's therefore time to en‑
Thus I have referred to chess ideas as being in ter into the world of modem chess strategy in
the 'everyday consciousness' of players. With action.

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