Sunday, May 6, 2012


Michael Adams
Michael (Mickey) Adams' meteoric rise to fame was assured from the moment he
picked up his first chess piece At every stage of his chess career he seems to have
set new records. He was the first player to win the British Under-11 title with a per‑
fect 100% score, the third youngest player (behind Fischer and Kasparov) to
achieve a Grandmaster norm and the third youngest player to obtain the Grand‑
master tide. Not content with these accomplishments, just one month later (August
1989) Mickey put his new Grandmaster title to good use, at the age of seventeen
becoming the youngest ever British Champion.
1991 saw him conquer new heights when he became the first player to score the
maximum 200/200 in the British Grand Prix and also saw his Elo rating break 2600
for the first time. Although 2600 is certainly not to be scoffed at, he has now left
this level far behind, being ranked fourth in the world with a raring well over 2700.
Tell me about your chess playing background? How and when did your
chess career begin?
I was about six or seven when I started but I don't remember too much until I was
playing at school and in tournaments. I won my first tournament, so I suppose that
Wasn't too bad to start with. I won the Cornwall under-8 and under-10 titles when 1
was seven (I won them both; they were joint tournaments) so I guess I was pretty
good then. 1 was quite into chess.
What is your earliest chess memory?
I definitely remember that tournament, and playing in school matches and so on
around that time. The thing that I remember most is stalemating someone in a
King's Gambit. I thought that I had some kind of mate after sacrificing my queen
and it didn't actually work, so I sort of took all his pieces instead. I was rooks and
pawns and a queen up and I stalemated him, so it was an eventful game!

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